Saturday, May 30, 2015

FRIDAY NOTES - May 31, 2015


1.  Tomorrow (Saturday) we get together for Movie Night.  Featured is Exodus:  Gods and Kings - from 6 - 9 pm in the Fellowship Hall.  Bring your own snack, with some extra to share, bring a friend, and enjoy the evening!

2.  Sunday Worship is at 11:00, preceded by Prayer Time downstairs at 10:30.  The Your Story question is:  Tell about at time when you were publicly acknowledged or introduced. What was the occasion? Did you enjoy it? What would have made being a “public person” more enjoyable?  Then, you will want to stay for Coffee Time, because Pastor Wim will be treating us to Kenya:  Pictures and Stories from his recent visit with family there.

3.  Next Sunday is Communion Sunday, and a good time to bring items for the Food Bank barrel.  There is never a bad time to do that, but we'd like to have it brimming over when the truck comes to collect!

4.  Coming up, we will have a Work Party on Saturday, the 13th - then Games Night that evening - more about these events later.

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