Saturday, February 28, 2015

FRIDAY NOTES for the week of March 1, 2015

Here's what's happening for the week of March 1, 2015:

1. Tomorrow, Saturday, there will be a memorial service for Marty at 10:00 a.m. in our Sanctuary. Light refreshments will be served downstairs afterward. Bruce has purchased food, Marilyn will be setting it all out before the service, and I have volunteered to help clean up. We could use a few extra hands for that, and you can give Marilyn a call if you will be helping set up.

2. Sunday's service is Communion Sunday - time to bring non-perishables for the Food Bank barrel! This also will be the second meeting of the Lenten Small Groups, which are scheduled through the end of March.

3. I will be sending out the Wedgletter and Calendar in a little bit - it's chock-full of great info, as usual, and I encourage you to open it and read it. Maybe you will get some ideas of items you would like to contribute for future issues!

4. Here is a note from Charlette: Thanks to all of you who helped me during this quarter financially and spiritually. I am now coming down to my last quarter (Spring) and tuition payment is due March 9th. Please continue to remain faithful in what God is calling you to do for me. Thank you and God Bless you!

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